The author's native language is german, so please forgive bad spelling, grammar mistakes etc. Or better - correct them.
@{" Copyright notice " link Copyright}
@{" Introduction " link Introduction}
@{" Requirements " link Requirements}
@{" Installation " link Installation}
@{" Configuration " link Configuration}
@{" Thanks " link Thanks}
@{" History " link History}
@{" To do " link ToDo}
@node Copyright "DTpref Copyright"
@prev Copyright
@{b}DTpref@{ub} package is Copyright
1995 @{"Swen K. Stullich/UFT" link Author}.
@{b}DTpref@{ub} is mailware. All rigths are reserved.
It is allowed to put this program
into AmiNet
on AmiNetCDs
on FredFishCDs
into BBS
all other distribution requires written permission from me.
@{b}DTpref@{ub} works fine, but I won`t give any guarantee: usage is your risk.
(I`m not liable for any results if you use @{b}DTpref@{ub}. It`s your problem. :-) )
This documentation is based on @{i}{ui}, which is Copyright
1995 Michael Letowski.
List of all files in the distribution:
Libs (dir)
Docs (dir)
DTpref (dir)
@node Introduction "Introduction to DTpref"
@{b}DTpref@{ub} is a preferences editor for @{"DataTypes" link DataTypes} with settable preferences.
The GUI has three signifcant areas:
@{b}Left side@{ub} is a listview-gadget, where you can select a @{"DataType" link DataTypes} for changing the preferences.
@{b}Right side@{ub} is the area to act on the datatype-preferences. All @{"DataTypes" link DataTypes} has common the @{i}IO-Gadgets@{ui} and the @{i}Information@{ui}-gadget. The other layout depends on the used @{"DataType" link DataTypes}.
@{i}IO-Gadgets@{ui} are:
@{b}Save@{ub} the preferences for this @{"DataType" link DataTypes} onto the disk.
@{b}Use@{ub} the preferences only. After a reset the old settings will be available and used.
@{b}Default@{ub} set the layout to the internal (@{"DataType" link DataTypes})settings.
@{b}Restore@{ub} the settings from "ENV:".
@{b}LSaved@{ub} loads the settings by the disk.
@{i}Information-gadget@{ui} gives some infos about the @{"DataType" link DataTypes} and his author.
@{b}The bottom@{ub} has the three gadgets:
@{i}Save@{ui} all @{"DataTypes" link DataTypes}-settings to disk, without checking, if they was changed.
@{i}Use@{ui} all @{"DataTypes" link DataTypes}-settings, withou checking, if they was changed.
@{i}Cancel@{ui} (or use the @{i}CloseWindow@{ui}) don't save or use the new @{"DataTypes" link DataTypes}-settings.
These gadgets also quits the programm.
The menu gives you the abillity to:
get information about the author and the programm: @{i}Project/Version/Copyright ...@{ui}
to quit the programm @{i}Project/Quit@{ui}. This is identical to the @{i}Cancel@{ui}-button
reset all @{"DataTypes" link DataTypes} to default @{i}Edit/Reset to Defaults@{ui}
load the last saved settings for all @{"DataTypes" link DataTypes} @{i}Edit/Last Saved@{ui}
or restore all the @{"DataTypes" link DataTypes}-settings @{i}Edit/Restore@{ui}
@node Requirements "Requirements for DTpref"
@{b}DTpref@{ub} requires AmigaDOS 3.0 or higher
For the GUI @{b}DTpref@{ub} requires the @{i}gtlayout.library@{ui} V23+, by @{b}Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel@{ub}.
@node Installation "Installation of DTpref"
Use supplied @{i}Installer @{ui}script to copy necessary files.
@node Configuration "Configuring operation of DTpref"
You can configurate @{b}DTpref@{ub} with @{"ToolTypes" link ToolTypes}.
Where @{i}DTname @{ui}the name of the @{"DataType" link DataTypes} is, and @{i}Filename @{ui}the name of the file is, which will be used to load the @{"DataType" link DataTypes}.
The @{i}Filename @{ui}must be in the same directory, where @{b}DTpref@{ub} is, or the complete path must be given.
Before using this @{"ToolType" link ToolTypes} check out, if the @{"DataTypes" link DataTypes} supports this feature. At the moment only @{b}icon.datatype V39.4@{ub} supports this. Other @{"DataTypes" link DataTypes} may follow (like @{b}binary.datatype@{ub}).
With this option you can enable the debugmode in @{b}DTpref@{ub}. This is usefull, if you have a @{"DataType" link DataTypes}, where you doesn't know, if it support @{b}DTpref@{ub} or not.
If you enable this option (@{fg highlight}DEBUG=TRUE@{fg text}) there will be some additional outputs, if there is an error while starting @{b}DTpref@{ub}.
This option is usefull for debuging @{"DataTypes" link DataTypes}. It's so only usefull for @{"DataType" link DataTypes}-programmers, so if you only use @{b}DTpref@{ub} as user, don't activate this option.
If you enable this option, you can get informations, which method is running, or if your @{"DataType" link DataTypes} calls @{i}SetHook @{ui}or @{i}Gethook @{ui}. With @{fg highlight}TESTMODE=MIN@{fg text} only the methods and hooks are displayed, while @{fg highlight}TESTMODE=MAX@{fg text} also the parameters shows.
Default: @{i}TESTMODE=OFF @{ui}
@{fg highlight}TESTDT@{fg text} (since V2.1)
@{fg highlight}TESTDT=@{fg text}@{i}DTname @{ui}
If you enables @{fg highlight}TESTMODE@{fg text} you must specify the @{"DataType" link DataTypes}, which one should be traced.
Here you can disable the internal @{b}DTpref@{ub}-preferences for the specified @{"DataType" link DataTypes}. For example, if you get a new @{b}binary.datatype@{ub}, which supports @{b}DTpref@{ub}, you can use @{fg highlight}DISABLEDT=binary@{fg text} to disable the internal binary-gui.
Default: @{i}DISABLEDT="" @{ui}
@node Thanks "DTpref Thanks"
Thanks must go to:
@{b}Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel@{ub} for his great gui-library @{i}gtlayout.library@{ui}. Without this library this tool wouldn't exists!!!
@{b}Stefan Ruppert@{ub} for the support of @{b}DTpref@{ub}
all the others, which send me an e-mail after releasing V1.0. Without you there wouldn't probably no V2.0 of @{b}DTpref@{ub}
@node History "DTpref History"
Version 1.0 (22.06.95) - initial release.
Version 2.0 (27.09.95) - complete rewritten.
GUI changed. Now you can save, load, ... the config of each datatype individually
Now @{"DataTypes" link DataTypes} can use @{b}DTpref@{ub} with some new methods, so programmers of @{"DataTypes" link DataTypes} could support DTpref
Version 2.1 (21.10.95)
Check if already running
New option @{"DEBUG" link Configuration} to enable debug-mode
New option @{"TESTMODE and TESTDT" link Configuration} for DTpref support programmers
New Option @{"DISABLEDT" link Configuration} to disable the internal preferences
New MagicWB-Icon for @{b}DTpref@{ub}. Thanks to @{i}Hans Seiler @{ui}for this artwork.
@{b}DTpref@{ub} checks now, if started by shell.
Version 2.2 (13.11.95)
@{b}DTpref@{ub} has now the possibility to view the @{"DataType" link DataTypes}-Object, if the @{"DataType" link DataTypes} support this. For this feature you must activate the @{b}View Object@{ub}-Gadget above the @{b}Information@{ub}-Gadget.
Memoryusage improved
@node ToDo "To do in DTpref"
@next ToDo
@{b}@{u}To do@{uu}@{ub}
Support more @{"DataTypes" link DataTypes}
Support locale
If you are missing a feature in @{b}DTpref@{ub} feel free to write it to @{"me" link Author}
@node DataTypes "DataTypes Information"
@prev DataTypes
@next DataTypes
@{i}DataTypes @{ui}is an AmigaDOS subsystem (introduced in AmigaDOS 3.0) for dealing with different types of files found on different machines (PC's, Macs and Amigas). @{i}DataTypes @{ui}can be used for recognizing types of files and interpreting informations in this files. An example of the latter is @{i}MultiView@{ui}, which can show many types of data.
@{i}DataTypes @{ui}divide all files into the following main categories:
@{i}syst @{ui}(System) - system files;
@{i}text @{ui}(Text) - textual files;
@{i}docu @{ui}(Document) - documents (spreadsheet data, text with pictures etc.);
@{i}soun @{ui}(Sound) - sound samples;
@{i}inst @{ui}(Instrument) - musical instruments;
@{i}musi @{ui}(Music) - songs;
@{i}pict @{ui}(Picture) - graphics;
@{i}anim @{ui}(Animation) - animations;
@{i}movi @{ui}(Movie) - animation with sound.
Each category is further divided into subclasses. Each subclass interprets one type of file, converting it to some universal format.
@node ToolTypes "ToolTyes"
@prev ToolTypes
@next ToolTypes
@node Author "About the Author"
@prev Author
@next Author
@{b}@{u}About the Author@{uu}@{ub}
@{b}DTpref@{ub} package was written by @{b}Swen K. Stullich/UFT@{ub}
If you have something to say me (questions, remarks, suggestions, wishes, bug reports) please contact me (I like receiving mail!):